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%matplotlib inline
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import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import numpy as np
import pandas as pd
import sympy as sym
import solowpy
In this task we will look at a simple strategy for calibrating a Solow model with Cobb-Douglas production using data from the Penn World Tables (PWT).
The PWT provides estimated depreciation rates that vary across both time and countries. As an estimate for the rate of capital depreciation for country $i$ I use the time-average of $\verb|delta_k|_{it}$ as provided by the PWT.
Capital's share for country $i$ in year $t$, $\alpha_{it}$ is computed as $\alpha_{it} = 1 - \verb|labsh|_{it}$, where $\verb|labsh|_{it}$ is the labor share of output/income for country $i$ in year $t$ provided by the PWT. I then use the time-average of $\alpha_{it}$ as the estimate of capital's share for country $i$.
As a measure of the savings rate for country $i$, I take the simple time-average of the annual investment share of real GDP, $\verb|i_sh|$, for country $i$ from the PWT.
To obtain a measure of the labor force growth rate for country $i$, I regress the logarithm of total employed persons, $\verb|emp|$, in country $i$ from the PWT on a constant and a linear time trend.
$$ \ln\ \verb|emp|_i = \beta_0 + \beta_1 \verb|t| + \epsilon_i \tag{2.1}$$The estimated coefficient $\beta_1$ is then used as my estimate for the $n$. To estimate the initial number of employed persons, $L_0$, I use $e^{\beta_0}$ as the estimate for $L_0$.
To obtain a measure of the growth rate of technology for country $i$, I first adjust the total factor productivity measure reported by the PWT, $\verb|rtfpna|$ (which excludes the human capital contribution to TFP), and then regress the logarithm of this adjusted measure of TFP, $\verb|atfpna|$, for country $i$ on a constant and a linear time trend.
$$ \ln\ \verb|atfpna|_i = \beta_0 + \beta_1 \verb|t| + \epsilon_i \tag{2.2}$$The estimated coefficient $\beta_1$ is then used as my estimate for the $g$. To estimate the initial level of technology, $A_0$, I use $e^{\beta_0}$ as the estimate for $A_0$.
All of this is being done "behind the scenes". All you need to in order to calibrate the model is pick an ISO 3 country code! Now let's calibrate a Solow model for the UK.
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import pypwt
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pwt = pypwt.load_pwt_data()
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fig, ax = plt.subplots(1, 1, figsize=(8,6))
for ctry in pwt.major_axis:
tmp_data = pwt.major_xs(ctry)
tmp_data.labsh.plot(color='gray', alpha=0.5)
# plot some specific countries
pwt.major_xs('USA').labsh.plot(color='b', ax=ax, label='USA')
pwt.major_xs('IND').labsh.plot(color='g', ax=ax, label='IND')
# plot global average
avg_labor_share = pwt.labsh.mean(axis=0)
avg_labor_share.plot(color='r', ax=ax)
ax.set_xlabel('Year', family='serif', fontsize=15)
ax.set_ylabel('Labor share of income', family='serif', fontsize=15)
ax.set_ylim(0, 1)
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def match_moments(model, data, iso3_code, bounds=None):
Simple calibration scheme for a Solow model with Cobb-Douglas production
based on data from the Penn World Tables (PWT).
model : solow.CobbDouglasModel
An instance of the CobbDouglasModel class that you wish to calibrate.
data : pandas.Panel
An instance of the pandas.Panel class containing PWT data.
iso3_code : str
A valid ISO3 country code. For example, to calibrate the model using
data for the United States, one would set iso3_code='USA'; to calibrate
a model using data for Zimbabwe, one would set iso3_code='ZWE'. For a
complete listing of ISO3 country codes see `wikipedia`_.
bounds : tuple (default=None)
Start and end years for the subset of the PWT data to use for
calibration. Note that start and end years should be specified as
strings. For example, to calibrate a model using data from 1983 to 2003
one would set
bounds=('1983', '2003')
By default calibration will make use of all available data for the
specified country.
.. `wikipedia`:
# get the PWT data for the iso_code
tmp_data = data.major_xs(iso3_code)
required_vars = ['rgdpna', 'rkna', 'emp', 'labsh', 'csh_i', 'delta_k']
tmp_data = tmp_data[required_vars].dropna()
assert not tmp_data.empty, "Insufficient data to estimate model parameters"
# set bounds
if bounds is None:
start = tmp_data.index[0]
end = tmp_data.index[-1]
start = bounds[0]
end = bounds[1]
tmp_data = tmp_data.loc[start:end]
# define the data used in the calibration
output = tmp_data['rgdpna']
capital = tmp_data['rkna']
labor = tmp_data['emp']
labor_share = tmp_data['labsh']
savings_rate = tmp_data['csh_i']
depreciation_rate = tmp_data['delta_k']
# define a time trend variable
N = tmp_data.index.size
linear_trend = pd.Series(np.linspace(0, N - 1, N), index=tmp_data.index)
time_trend = linear_trend.loc[start:end]
# estimate capital's share of income/output
capital_share = 1 - labor_share
alpha = capital_share.mean()
# compute solow residual (note dependence on alpha!)
solow_residual = model.evaluate_solow_residual(output, capital, labor)
technology = solow_residual.loc[start:end]
# estimate the fraction of output saved
s = savings_rate.mean()
# regress log employed persons on linear time trend
res = pd.ols(y=np.log(labor), x=time_trend)
n = res.beta[0]
L0 = np.exp(res.beta[1])
# regress log TFP on linear time trend
res = pd.ols(y=np.log(technology), x=time_trend)
g = res.beta[0]
A0 = np.exp(res.beta[1])
# estimate the depreciation rate for total capital
delta = depreciation_rate.mean()
# create a dictionary of model parameters
tmp_params = {'s': s, 'alpha': alpha, 'delta': delta, 'n': n, 'L0': L0,
'g': g, 'A0': A0}
# update the model's parameters
return tmp_params
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# define model parameters
cobb_douglas_params = {'A0': 1.0, 'L0': 1.0, 'g': 0.02, 'n': 0.03, 's': 0.15,
'delta': 0.05, 'alpha': 0.33}
# create an instance of the solow.Model class
cobb_douglas_model = solow.CobbDouglasModel(params=cobb_douglas_params)
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match_moments(cobb_douglas_model, pwt, 'CHN')
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# define model parameters
ces_params = {'K0': 1.0, 'A0': 1.0, 'L0': 1.0, 'g': 0.02, 'n': 0.03, 's': 0.15,
'delta': 0.05, 'alpha': 0.33, 'sigma': 0.95, 'sigma_eps': 0.01}
# create an instance of the solow.Model class
ces_model = solow.CESModel(params=ces_params)
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from scipy import optimize, stats
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def _intialize_labor_supply(model, labor):
"""Initial condition for labor supply is not a free parameter."""
def _cobb_douglas_initial_guess(model, data, iso3_code, bounds, sigma0, sigma_eps0):
"""Estimate parameters assumming Cobb Douglas production."""
tmp_params = match_moments(model, data, iso3_code, bounds)
# initial guesses for sigma, and sigma_eps
tmp_params['sigma'] = sigma0
tmp_params['sigma_eps'] = sigma_eps0
return _params_to_array(tmp_params)
def _array_to_params(array):
"""Converts array to dictionary of model params."""
keys = ['g', 'n', 's', 'alpha', 'delta', 'sigma', 'sigma_eps']
params = dict(zip(keys, array))
return params
def _params_to_array(params):
"""Converts dictionary of model params to an array."""
g = params['g']
n = params['n']
s = params['s']
alpha = params['alpha']
delta = params['delta']
sigma = params['sigma']
sigma_eps = params['sigma_eps']
return np.array([g, n, s, alpha, delta, sigma, sigma_eps])
def _likelihood_function(params_array, model, output, capital, labor, labor_share):
"""Objective for maximum likelihood estimation."""
# create tmp parameter dictionary
tmp_params = model.params.copy()
new_params = _array_to_params(params_array)
model.params = tmp_params
# compute solow residual (note dependence on alpha and sigma!)
technology = model.evaluate_solow_residual(output, capital, labor)
# compute capital (per unit effective labor)
k = capital / (technology * labor)
# model predicted labor's share of income/output
predicted_labor_share = 1 - model.evaluate_output_elasticity(k)
# residual difference between model predictions and data
residual = labor_share - predicted_labor_share
# assumes residuals are gaussian
total_log_likelihood = np.sum(np.log(stats.norm.pdf(residual, 0, model.params['sigma_eps'])))
return -total_log_likelihood
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def maximize_likelihood(model, data, iso3_code, bounds=None, method='BFGS', sigma0=1.01, sigma_eps0=0.01):
Maximum likelihood estimation scheme for a Solow model with CES
production based on data from the Penn World Tables (PWT).
model : solow.CESModel
An instance of the CESModel class that you wish to estimate.
data : pandas.Panel
An instance of the pandas.Panel class containing PWT data.
iso3_code : str
A valid ISO3 country code. For example, to calibrate the model using
data for the United States, one would set iso3_code='USA'; to calibrate
a model using data for Zimbabwe, one would set iso3_code='ZWE'. For a
complete listing of ISO3 country codes see `wikipedia`_.
bounds : tuple (default=None)
Start and end years for the subset of the PWT data to use for
calibration. Note that start and end years should be specified as
strings. For example, to calibrate a model using data from 1983 to 2003
one would set
bounds=('1983', '2003')
By default calibration will make use of all available data for the
specified country.
.. `wikipedia`:
# get the PWT data for the iso_code
tmp_data = data.major_xs(iso3_code)
required_vars = ['rgdpna', 'rkna', 'emp', 'labsh']
tmp_data = tmp_data[required_vars].dropna()
assert not tmp_data.empty, "Insufficient data to estimate model parameters"
# set bounds
if bounds is None:
start = tmp_data.index[0]
end = tmp_data.index[-1]
start = bounds[0]
end = bounds[1]
tmp_data = tmp_data.loc[start:end]
# define the data used in the calibration
output = tmp_data['rgdpna'].loc[start:end]
capital = tmp_data['rkna'].loc[start:end]
labor = tmp_data['emp'].loc[start:end]
labor_share = tmp_data['labsh'].loc[start:end]
technology = model.evaluate_solow_residual(output, capital, labor)
initial_guess = _cobb_douglas_initial_guess(model, data, iso3_code, bounds,
sigma0, sigma_eps0)
eps = 1e-6
bnds = [(None, None), (None, None), (eps, 1-eps), (eps, 1-eps),
(eps, None), (eps, None), (eps, None)]
result = optimize.minimize(_likelihood_function,
args=(model, output, capital, labor, labor_share),
if result.success:
tmp_params = _array_to_params(result.x)
tmp_params['A0'] = technology[0]
tmp_params['L0'] = labor[0]
tmp_params['K0'] = capital[0]
return result, tmp_params
return result
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# Add assertion error to evaluate solow_residual method@
result, params = maximize_likelihood(ces_model, pwt, 'USA', bounds=(None, None),
method='Nelder-Mead', sigma0=0.5, sigma_eps0=0.01)
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ces_model.params = params
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def _initial_condition(model):
k0 = model.params['K0'] / (model.params['A0'] * model.params['L0'])
return k0
# need to specify some initial conditions
t0, k0 = 0.0, _initial_condition(ces_model)
numeric_soln = ces_model.ivp.solve(t0, k0, T=62, integrator='dopri5')
In [ ]:
fig, ax = plt.subplots(1, 1, figsize=(8,6))
ax.plot(numeric_soln[:,0], 1 - ces_model.evaluate_output_elasticity(numeric_soln[:,1]),
'bo', markersize=3.0)
# axes, labels, title, etc
ax.set_xlabel('Time, $t$', fontsize=15, family='serif')
ax.set_ylabel(r'$\alpha_K(k(t))$', rotation='horizontal', fontsize=20, family='serif')
ax.set_title('Labor share of income', fontsize=20, family='serif')
ax.legend(loc=0, frameon=False, bbox_to_anchor=(1.0, 1.0))
In [ ]:
fig, ax = plt.subplots(1, 1, figsize=(8,6))
intensive_output = ces_model.evaluate_intensive_output(numeric_soln[:,1])
technology = ces_model.params['A0'] * np.exp(ces_model.params['g'] * numeric_soln[:,0])
output_per_capita = intensive_output * technology
ax.plot(numeric_soln[1:,0], np.diff(np.log(output_per_capita)),
'bo', markersize=3.0)
Y = pwt.major_xs('USA').rgdpna.loc[:]
E = pwt.major_xs('USA').emp.loc[:]
ax.plot(np.log(( Y / E )).diff().values)
# axes, labels, title, etc
ax.set_xlabel('Time, $t$', fontsize=15, family='serif')
ax.set_ylabel(r'$g$', rotation='horizontal', fontsize=20, family='serif')
ax.set_title('Growth rate of GDP (per unit labor)', fontsize=20, family='serif')
ax.legend(loc=0, frameon=False, bbox_to_anchor=(1.0, 1.0))
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In [ ]:
(d.rgdpna / d.emp).pct_change()
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